съществително име “construction”
ед. ч. construction, мн. ч. constructions или неизбр.
- строеж
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The construction of the new hospital will take two years.
- строителство
He works in construction and specializes in designing bridges.
- сграда (постройка)
The skyscraper is an impressive construction made of glass and steel.
- конструкция
The construction of this chair makes it comfortable to sit on.
- конструкция (граматическа)
The sentence uses a complex grammatical construction.
- конструкция (геометрична)
In geometry class, we learned the construction of a perpendicular bisector.
- Тълкуване (интерпретацията или обяснението на текст, действие или изказване)
She put a positive construction on his words and believed he was sincere.