صفة، ظرف، حرف النداء، اسم، اسم علم

صفة “OK”

OK, okey
  1. مقبول
    Is it OK if I borrow your pen for a moment?
  2. متوسط
    The movie was OK, but I wouldn't watch it again.
  3. موافق (مع شيء معين)
    I asked if she was OK with pizza for dinner, and she said yes.
  4. بخير
    She was upset this morning, but she's OK now after talking to her friend.

ظرف “OK”

OK, okey
  1. بشكل جيد
    She cooked the meal OK, even though it was her first time trying the recipe.

حرف النداء “OK”

OK, okey
  1. حسنًا
    Can you pass me the salt? – OK.
  2. موافق (في الحاسوب)
    After reading the warning message, she clicked "OK" to proceed with the software installation.
  3. انتبه
    OK, I'm doing it.

اسم “OK”

sg. OKs, OK, pl. [p] or uncountable
  1. الموافقة
    Once the boss gives his OK, we can launch the new website.

اسم علم “OK”

  1. أوكلاهوما
    My cousin moved to Tulsa, OK, last year.