confidence (EN)
Selfstandige naamwoord

Selfstandige naamwoord “confidence”

sg. confidence, pl. confidences or uncountable
  1. selfvertroue
    After practicing for weeks, she approached the piano with confidence and played beautifully.
  2. vertroue (in iemand of iets se vermoëns)
    His confidence in the new software was evident as he demonstrated its features without hesitation.
  3. sekerheid
    With confidence, she predicted that the team would win the championship this year.
  4. vertroue (vertroulik)
    She shared her secret with her best friend, knowing it would be kept in confidence.
  5. geheim (wat gedeel word met die verwagting dat dit nie bekend gemaak sal word nie)
    He was reluctant to share such a personal confidence, but he needed advice from someone he trusted.