
φ (EN)

字母 “φ”

φ, phi
  1. 希腊字母表的第21个字母
    In the Greek word "φως" (light), the letter "φ" is the first character.

符号 “φ”

  1. (在数学中)黄金比例,一个大约等于1.618的特殊数字,出现在自然和艺术中。
    The ancient Greeks used φ to design buildings with pleasing proportions.
  2. (在数学中)欧拉函数,一个计算小于给定数且与其没有公因数的数的函数。
    To find out how many numbers less than 10 don't share factors with 10, we calculate φ(10) and find it is 4.
  3. (在语音学中)用于表示通过双唇之间吹气而不使用声带发出的声音的符号。
    The sound represented by φ is found in some languages like Japanese.