
φ (EN)
harf, ramz

harf “φ”

φ, phi
  1. yunon alifbosining 21-harfi
    In the Greek word "φως" (light), the letter "φ" is the first character.

ramz “φ”

  1. (mathematikada) oltin nisbat, taxminan 1.618 ga teng boʻlgan va tabiat hamda sanʼatda uchraydigan maxsus son.
    The ancient Greeks used φ to design buildings with pleasing proportions.
  2. (mathematikada) Eylеrning totient funksiyasi, berilgan sondan kichik bo'lgan va u bilan umumiy bo'luvchilarga ega bo'lmagan sonlarni sanaydigan funksiya.
    To find out how many numbers less than 10 don't share factors with 10, we calculate φ(10) and find it is 4.
  3. (fonetika) ovoz paylaridan foydalanmasdan ikkala lab orasidan havo puflab chiqarish orqali hosil bo'ladigan tovushni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladigan belgi
    The sound represented by φ is found in some languages like Japanese.