m (EN)

M (字母,名词,形容词,数词,符号)

字母 “m”

  1. 字母“M”的小写形式
    The word "moon" starts with the letter "m."

形容词 “m”

m, non-gradable
  1. 在语言学中表示阳性的缩写形式
    In Spanish, friend is "amigo" (m) or "amiga" (f).
  2. 音乐中“小节”的简称
    In the sheet music, there's a key change at m. 32 that you need to watch out for.

符号 “m”

  1. 毫(表示千分之一)
    The medicine dosage was prescribed as 5 mg.

符号 “m”

  1. 米(长度单位)
    The room was 10m long and 5m wide.
  2. 物理学中表示质量的符号
    We have m = 150g for the apple.
  3. 月的符号
    The subscription costs $10/m.
  4. 中等响度(在音乐中指示中等的响亮或安静)
    The composer marked the section with mp to indicate it should be played a bit louder than piano.
  5. “百万”的非正式缩写
    The charity raised $5m for disaster relief.
  6. 表示一个小调和弦在音乐中
    The chord progression in the song starts with an Am.