ɪkˈspɪriəns US ɪkˈspɪərɪəns UK

experience (EN)

名词 “experience”

  1. 经历(指某事件对个人思想或情感的影响)
    Riding the roller coaster was a thrilling experience that left her heart pounding long after the ride ended.
  2. 经验(指个人所做过的事情)
    My first experience riding a horse was both thrilling and a bit scary.
  3. 经验(指通过某些事件或活动获得的理解或专长)
    Through years of working in different countries, she gained invaluable experience in cross-cultural communication.

动词 “experience”

不定式 experience; 三单 experiences; 过式 experienced; 过分 experienced; 动名 experiencing
  1. 经历(指经过能改变或增强个人理解、信念或能力的事件或活动)
    She experienced great joy watching her daughter take her first steps.