Z (EN)

z (字母,符号)

字母 “Z”

  1. 字母“z”的大写形式
    Zachary's name starts with a Z.

符号 “Z”

  1. 电路阻抗的符号
    The total impedance is Z = R + jX, where R is the resistance and X is the reactance.
  2. 用于表示计算机图形中深度的符号
    In the video game, moving the character closer or further away from the screen adjusts its position along the Z-axis.
  3. 生物化学中谷氨酰胺或谷氨酸的1字母缩写是Q(谷氨酰胺)或E(谷氨酸)。
    In the protein sequence, the letter "Z" represents either glutamine or glutamic acid, crucial for the protein's function.
  4. 代表协调世界时(军事上称为Zulu时间)的符号
    The meeting is scheduled for 0800Z, so make sure to convert that to your local time zone.