G (EN)

g (字母,名词,符号)

字母 “G”

  1. 字母“g”的大写形式
    In the alphabet, G comes after F and before H.

名词 “G”

sg. G, pl. Gs or uncountable
  1. 全年龄级
    The animated movie we watched was rated G, so the whole family could enjoy it together.
  2. 一楼
    Press the G button in the elevator.
  3. 参赛场次
    After playing in 150 Gs this season, the player was praised for his endurance and consistency.
  4. 进球数
    She finished the season with 12 Gs, leading her team in scoring.
  5. 所有格
    In German, "Herr" (N) has the forms "Herrn" (G, D, A).
  6. G级(英国教育系统中低于F级的成绩)
    After the exams, Jamie was disappointed to find out he had received a G in mathematics.

符号 “G”

  1. 吉(表示十亿)
    The new hard drive has a storage capacity of 1 TB, which is equivalent to 1000 GB.
  2. 高斯(一种测量磁场的单位)
    The Earth's magnetic field strength is about 0.5 G at its surface.
  3. 氨基酸甘氨酸的符号
    In the protein sequence, the letter "G" stands for glycine.
  4. 引力常数
    Gravitational force can be calculated as F = GM₁M₂/r².
  5. G音
    The guitarist started the song with a strum of the G chord.
  6. G罩杯
    She realized she had been wearing the wrong bra size for years, and finally found comfort in a G cup.