
ξ (EN)
harf, ramz

harf “ξ”

ξ, xi
  1. yunon alifbosining 14-harfi
    In Greek, the letter ξ is the 14th letter of the alphabet, often used in mathematics and science.

ramz “ξ”

  1. (mathematikada) o'zgaruvchi yoki noma'lum miqdor, ko'pincha ehtimollik va statistika fanlarida qo'llaniladi.
    In this equation, ξ represents an unknown parameter we need to estimate.
  2. (fizikada) tebranuvchi tizimning soʻnish koeffitsienti, tebranishlar bezovtalikdan keyin qanday soʻnishini koʻrsatadi
    A damping ratio ξ less than one indicates an underdamped system that will oscillate.
  3. (kimyo muhandisligida) reaksiya darajasi, kimyoviy reaksiya qanchalik rivojlanganligini o'lchash
    By measuring the change in concentration, we can calculate the extent of reaction ξ.