
κ (EN)
harf, ramz

harf “κ”

κ, kappa
  1. yunon alifbosining 10-harfi
    In the Greek word "καλός," the letter "κ" is the first letter.

ramz “κ”

  1. (mathematikada) egri chiziqlik yoki boshqa oʻzgaruvchilarni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi
    In geometry class, we learned that the curvature κ of a circle is constant.
  2. (fizikada) issiqlik o'tkazuvchanligini ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi
    The engineer calculated the heat flow using the material's thermal conductivity κ.
  3. (statistikada) kuzatuvchilar o'rtasidagi kelishuvni o'lchash uchun kappa koeffitsientini ifodalashda ishlatiladi
    They reported a κ of 0.85, showing strong consistency between the testers.