v (EN)
harf, oldinlov, raqam, ramz

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
V (harf, ot, raqam, ramz)

harf “v”

  1. "V" harfining kichik harf shakli
    In the word "love", the letter "v" comes right before the final "e".

oldinlov “v”

  1. Buyuk Britaniyada ishlatiladigan "versus" so'zining qisqartmasi.
    The championship match is Liverpool v Manchester United.

raqam “v”

  1. rim raqamlarida besh raqami
    On this clock, v comes after iv and represents 5 o'clock.

ramz “v”

  1. fizikada tezlik belgisi
    To find the velocity, use the formula v = d/t, where d is distance and t is time.