stage (EN)
ot, feʼl

ot “stage”

sg. stage, pl. stages
  1. bosqich
    At this stage, it's impossible to tell whether the patient will survive.
  2. qism
    The project is divided into three stages.
  3. sahna
    The actors took their places on the stage as the curtain rose.
  4. qism (mashina yoki qurilma qismi)
    The rocket's second stage ignited after the first stage fell away.
  5. daraja (video o'yin darajasi)
    I finally beat the boss at the end of the second stage.
  6. joy (muhim yoki mashhur faoliyatlar sodir bo'ladigan joy)
    The climate summit brought leaders together on the world stage to discuss urgent environmental issues.
  7. aktyorlik (kasbi yoki sohasi)
    He spent his entire life dedicated to the stage and screen, becoming a beloved actor.
  8. arava (otlar tortadigan eski turdagi transport vositasi)
    The stage arrived at the dusty station, bringing mail and a few weary travelers.
  9. stajirovka (oshxonada to'lovsiz o'rganish)
    Maria decided to do a stage at a famous French restaurant to learn advanced pastry techniques.

feʼl “stage”

stage; he stages; past staged, part. staged; ger. staging
  1. sahnalashtirmoq
    The school decided to stage a musical for the spring show.
  2. soxtalashtirmoq
    The reaction of the cheering crowds was clearly staged to make the politician look good.
  3. tashkil qilmoq (tadbir yoki harakatni tashkil qilish)
    The students staged a protest to demand better cafeteria food.
  4. baholamoq (kasallikning og'irligini yoki bosqichini baholash)
    The doctor staged the cancer to see how advanced it was.
  5. ajratmoq (raketaning ishlatilgan qismini ajratib, keyingi qismni boshlash)
    The rocket staged successfully, dropping its empty booster.
  6. stajirovka qilmoq (oshxonada to'lovsiz tajriba orttirish)
    After culinary school, Maria decided to stage at a famous French bistro.