sifat “round”
round, qiyosiy rounder, ortirma roundest
- doira shaklida
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
She wore a round pendant that matched her earrings perfectly.
- yumaloq chetlari bor
She chose a table with round corners to avoid bumping into sharp edges.
- toʻliq va qavariq tanaga ega
The round cheeks of the baby made everyone want to pinch them gently.
- toʻliq yoki butun
She insisted on paying a round $50 for the handmade scarf, refusing to accept any change.
- hisoblashda qulay boʻlgan, nol bilan tugaydigan raqam
We decided to donate $50 because it was a round amount that fit our budget.
- toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri gapiruvchi
When asked about his opinion on the new policy, he gave a round reply, leaving no doubt about his disagreement.
- silliq va oqimli (yozuvda)
Her latest novel is a round masterpiece, flowing smoothly from start to finish without a single jarring note.
- realistik va yaxshi ishlangan (belgi haqida)
The protagonist in her latest novel is so round, you'd swear he was based on a real person.
ot “round”
yakka round, koʻplik rounds yoki sanalmaydigan
- musobaqa yoki oʻyinning bosqichi
She advanced to the next round of the tournament after winning her match.
- guruhning bir vaqtda ifodalagan ma'qullashi yoki hayajoni
After the singer finished her performance, there was a loud round of cheers from the audience.
- guruhdagi har bir kishiga beriladigan ovqat yoki ichimlikning qismi
The waiter offered a round of appetizers to each table at the wedding reception.
- oʻq-dori birligi
The soldier loaded a fresh round into his rifle before taking aim.
- doira yoki sikl shaklida boʻlgan yoʻl yoki safar
Every morning, the mailman makes his rounds through the neighborhood, delivering letters and packages.
- chet yoki boʻshliqni bezash yoki himoya qilish uchun ishlatiladigan tasmasi
To prevent injuries, they installed rubber rounds along the sharp corners of the kitchen counter.
- boshlangʻich nuqtada tugaydigan takroriy voqealar yoki harakatlar ketma-ketligi
The farmer was well accustomed to the rounds of planting and harvesting, a cycle that dictated his yearly work.
feʼl “round”
infinitive round; u rounds; oʻtgan zamon rounded; oʻtgan zamon part. rounded; ger. rounding
- nimanidir qavariq yoki kamroq oʻtkir qilish
She rounded the corners of the paper to make it safer for the children.
- nimanidirni toʻldirish yoki koʻproq butun qilish
He rounded off his meal with a delicious slice of cheesecake.
- raqamni eng yaqin butun raqamga oʻzgartirish
In our calculations, 3.6 rounded down to 3.
- nimanidirni aylanib oʻtish
The player rounded the goalkeeper and scored a goal.
- kutilmaganda duch kelish yoki hujum qilish
The dog rounded on the stranger, barking fiercely.
- beysbolda, uy bazasiga qarab harakatlanish
After hitting a powerful shot, Garcia rounded third and headed for home.