feʼl “offer”
infinitive offer; u offers; oʻtgan zamon offered; oʻtgan zamon part. offered; ger. offering
- taklif qilmoq
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
He offered me a slice of cake, but I wasn't hungry.
- Taklif qilmoq (nimanidir qilishga tayyor ekanligingizni aytmoq)
She offered to walk the dog while I was away.
- Taklif qilmoq (biror narsani mavjud qilish, ayniqsa sotish uchun yoki biror narsani taqdim etish)
The supermarket offers a wide range of products.
- taklif qilmoq (toʻlashga tayyor boʻlgan narxni aytmoq)
I offered $50 for the antique lamp at the market.
- qurbonlik qilmoq
The villagers offered prayers to their deity during the festival.
ot “offer”
birlik offer, koʻplik offers
- taklif
She considered his offer of marriage carefully.
- taklif (pul miqdori)
Their offer on the house was accepted.
- taqdimot
His offer of help made the task much easier.
- chegirma
The supermarket has an offer on apples this week.