
n (EN)
harf, sifat, bogʻlovchi, ортиқча гап, ramz

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
N (harf, ортиқча гап, ramz)

harf “n”

  1. "N" harfining kichik harf shakli
    In the word "night," the letter "n" is the first character.

sifat “n”

asosiy shakl n, darajalanmaydigan
  1. grammatikada "neuter" so'zining qisqartmasi
    In German, the word for "girl" is "Mädchen" (n) – notice the noun gender.

bogʻlovchi “n”

  1. "and" soʻzini qisqartirib aytishning bir usuli, asosan ma'lum iboralarda ishlatiladi.
    I love listening to classic rock 'n' roll music.

ортиқча гап “n”

  1. tanlovda "yo'q"ni bildiradi
    (for example in a questionnaire) Do you exercise daily? y / n

ramz “n”

  1. statistikada namuna hajmi
    In our survey, n equals 200, meaning we collected responses from 200 participants.
  2. neutron belgisi
    One type of nuclear reaction can be expressed as U-235 + n → Ba-141 + Kr-92 + 3n.
  3. har qanday tabiiy sonni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladigan ramz
    Let n represent the number of apples in the basket.