
i (EN)
harf, ramz, raqam

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
I (olmosh, harf, raqam, ot, ramz)

harf “i”

  1. "i" harfining kichik shakli
    In the word "imagine," the letter "i" appears twice.

ramz “i”

  1. matematikada tasavvur qilinadigan birligi (manfiy birning kvadrat ildizi)ni ifodalovchi ramz
    When you square i, you get -1.
  2. muhandislikda elektr oqimining sxemasidagi oqimini belgilash uchun ishlatiladigan ramz
    To calculate the power dissipated in a resistor, you can use the formula P = i * R².
  3. matematika va dasturlashda tsikllarda indeksni ifodalash uchun tez-tez ishlatiladigan ramz
    In the loop, "i" starts at 0 and increases by 1 until it reaches 10.
  4. moliyaviy matematikada yillik samarali foiz stavkasini anglatuvchi ramz
    If the annual effective interest rate (i) is 5%, your savings will grow faster than if it were at 3%.
  5. musiqada, minor tonik triadini ko'rsatuvchi belgi
    In the key of A minor, the i chord consists of the notes A, C, and E.

raqam “i”

  1. bir sonining Rim raqamidagi kichik harf shakli
    You have to i. bring the food, ii. cook it.