aura (EN)

ot “aura”

sg. aura, pl. auras, aurae or uncountable
  1. muhit (biror joy yoki narsani o'rab turgan noyob his yoki kayfiyatni bildiradi)
    The old library had an aura of mystery, as if it were hiding ancient secrets between its dusty shelves.
  2. bioaura (jonli mavjudotlarni o'rab turgan deb ishoniladigan energetik maydon)
    She claimed she could see a colorful aura emanating from people, reflecting their emotions and thoughts.
  3. oldindan sezgi (migren boshlanishidan oldin, ko'pincha ko'rishda buzilishlar bilan kechadigan ogohlantiruvchi hissiyot)
    He recognized the flickering lights in his vision as the aura that usually preceded his intense migraine attacks.