U (EN)
harf, ot, oldinlov, ramz

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
u (harf, ramz)

harf “U”

  1. "u" harfining katta harf shakli
    In the name "Ulysses", the letter "U" is capitalized.

ot “U”

sg. U, pl. Us or uncountable
  1. "U-turn"ning qisqartmasi (transport vositasining yo'nalishini teskari tomonga o'zgartirish manevri)
    After missing the exit, he realized he had to make a quick U to get back on the right track.
  2. universitetning qisqartmasi
    She's planning to apply to the U. of Texas next year.
  3. yakshanba qisqartmasi
    There are no classes scheduled for F S U and M.

oldinlov “U”

  1. sportda yosh asosida belgilangan toifalar yoki darajalar uchun "under" so'zining qisqartmasi
    He was selected for the U21 national football team last summer.

ramz “U”

  1. uran uchun ramz (atom raqami 92 bo'lgan element)
    U-235 is a highly sought-after isotope of uranium for nuclear reactors.
  2. RNA tarkibiy qismi bo'lgan uratsil uchun 1-harfli belgi
    In the RNA sequence AUGC, the "U" stands for uracil.
  3. fizikada kuchlanish belgisi
    To calculate the electric power, use the formula P = U * I.
  4. statistikada bir xil taqsimot uchun belgi
    To model the probability of rolling any number on a fair six-sided die, we can use the U(1,6) uniform distribution.
  5. uzunlikni saqlab qoluvchi murakkab matritsalardan iborat to'plam uchun birlamchi guruh belgisi
    In our quantum mechanics class, we learned that U(2) represents the unitary group of 2x2 matrices.