L (EN)
harf, ot, raqam, ramz

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
l (harf, ramz)

harf “L”

  1. "l" harfining katta harf shakli
    The name "Lucy" starts with the letter "L".

ot “L”

sg. L, pl. Ls or uncountable
  1. chap (yoʻnalishning qisqartmasi)
    Press L on the controller to move your character to the left.
  2. lira (Italiya va boshqa ba'zi mamlakatlarda oldin ishlatilgan valyutaning qisqartmasi)
    I exchanged 100 USD for 1500 L at the currency exchange office.

raqam “L”

  1. 50 uchun Rim raqami
    In Roman numerals, CL is 150.

ramz “L”

  1. katta (kiyim oʻlchami)
    I realized the medium was too tight, so I exchanged it for an L.
  2. litr (hajm birligi)
    She poured 2L of milk into the large bowl for the recipe.
  3. oqsillar uchun muhim bo'lgan leytsin (aminokislota) uchun bir harfli kod
    In the protein sequence, "VLAK", the "L" stands for leucine.
  4. induktivlik (elektr toklari bilan bog'liq bo'lgan magnit oqimi va oqimning xususiyati)
    The formula for calculating the inductance in a coil is L = N²μA/l.
  5. lambert (yorqinlikni o'lchash birligi)
    The brightness of the moon's surface was measured at about 0.3 L.