
ramz, ramz

ramz “III”

  1. Uch uchun rim raqami.
    The clock face displayed the time as III.
  2. (kimyo) uch valentli oksidlanish holatini ko'rsatadi
    Iron(III) chloride is used in water treatment.
  3. (spektroskopiya) ikki elektron yo'qotgan atomni ko'rsatadi
    The emission lines of Fe III were observed.
  4. (musiqa) uchinchi gamma darajasida qurilgan akkordni ifodalash
    The song begins with a progression from I to III.

ramz “III”

  1. Ushbu ismga ega bo'lgan uchinchi shaxsni ko'rsatish uchun ismlardan keyin ishlatiladi.
    He was named John III after his father and grandfather.