
estate (EN)

اسم “estate”

واحد estate، جمع estates
  1. جائیداد (وراثت)
    After her grandfather passed away, she inherited his estate, including his house and savings.
  2. جاگیر
    They hosted a party at their country estate, which has beautiful gardens.
  3. رہائشی علاقہ
    They moved into a new apartment on a modern housing estate outside the city.
  4. اسٹیٹ (برطانیہ میں، ایک اسٹیشن ویگن، ایک گاڑی جس میں نشستوں کے پیچھے چیزیں رکھنے کے لیے بڑی جگہ ہوتی ہے)
    The family bought an estate to have more room for luggage on their road trips.