
sight (EN)
іменник, дієслово

іменник “sight”

sg. sight, pl. sights or uncountable
  1. зір
    Despite his age, his sight remains excellent.
  2. споглядання
    The sight of the mountains filled her with awe.
  3. видовище
    The aurora borealis is a spectacular sight.
  4. пам'ятка
    Tourists flock to the city to see the sights.
  5. приціл
    He peered through the sight to line up his shot.

дієслово “sight”

sight; he sights; past sighted, part. sighted; ger. sighting
  1. помітити
    After hours of scanning the horizon, they finally sighted the whales.
  2. прицілюватися
    He sighted the target carefully before pulling the trigger.
  3. пристрілювати (налаштовувати приціл)
    He spent the afternoon sighting his rifle at the shooting range.