precision (EN)
іменник, прикметник

іменник “precision”

sg. precision, pl. precisions or uncountable
  1. точність
    The engineer admired the precision of the machine's movements, which were accurate to a thousandth of an inch.
  2. відтворюваність (у контексті повторюваності вимірювань)
    The laboratory instruments were tested for precision to ensure that the same results could be obtained in each experiment.
  3. значущість (у контексті кількості значущих цифр)
    In our physics class, we learned that the precision of our measurements was limited to three significant digits due to the equipment we were using.

прикметник “precision”

precision, non-gradable
  1. високоточний (у контексті призначення для детальних і точних вимірювань)
    The jeweler used a precision scale to weigh the diamonds, ensuring each one was measured to the nearest milligram.