honor (EN)
іменник, дієслово

іменник “honor”

sg. honor us, honour uk, pl. honors us, honours uk or uncountable
  1. честь
    She was known for her honor, always choosing to do the right thing even when it was difficult.
  2. повага
    The teacher received great honor for her years of dedication to the students.
  3. нагорода
    She received an honor from the mayor for her outstanding community service.
  4. честь (можливість)
    I had the honor to be chosen as the keynote speaker at the conference.
  5. козир
    She was thrilled to have three honors in her hand, including the ace and king of hearts.

дієслово “honor”

honor us, honour uk; he honors us, honours uk; past honored us, honoured uk, part. honored us, honoured uk; ger. honoring us, honouring uk
  1. вшановувати
    The community gathered to honor the brave firefighters who saved many lives.
  2. дотримуватися
    She honored her commitment to help her friend move to a new apartment.
  3. нагороджувати
    The mayor honored the firefighters for their bravery during the rescue.
  4. приймати (платіж)
    The bank refused to honor my check because there were insufficient funds.