cloak (EN)
isim, fiil

isim “cloak”

sg. cloak, pl. cloaks
  1. pelerin
    She wrapped herself in a thick woolen cloak to brave the chilly evening air.
  2. örtü (sembolik anlamda bir şeyi kaplayan veya saran şey)
    The mountain was shrouded in a cloak of mist that gave it an air of mystery.
  3. saklama aracı (bir şeyi gizlemek, kamufle etmek veya korumak için kullanılan şey)
    He used his charm as a cloak to mask his true intentions.

fiil “cloak”

cloak; he cloaks; past cloaked, part. cloaked; ger. cloaking
  1. örtmek (bir şeyi giysi gibi kaplamak)
    The magician cloaked his assistant in a shroud of smoke before she disappeared.
  2. gizlemek (bir şeyi veya birisini saklamak)
    The company cloaked its financial troubles with a series of misleading statements.
  3. ileri teknoloji kullanarak bir şeyi veya birisini görünmez yapmak
    As the alien creature activated its device, it cloaked and vanished from sight.