Chinese (EN)
sıfat, Özel isim

sıfat “Chinese”

Chinese, non-gradable
  1. Çin'e veya Çin halkına ait
    She loves eating Chinese food, especially dumplings.
  2. Çin'de konuşulan dile ait
    She started learning Chinese characters to better understand the language.

Özel isim “Chinese”

  1. Çin halkı
    The Chinese are known for their rich cultural traditions and innovations.
  2. Çince (Çin'de kullanılan dil)
    She's been studying Chinese for three years and can now read entire books in the language.
  3. Çin yazısı (Çin'de kullanılan çeşitli dillerdeki yazı sistemi)
    To read ancient texts, one must be proficient in classical Chinese.
  4. Çin yemeği
    We ordered too much Chinese last night, so we'll have leftovers for dinner.