parent (EN)
at sözi, sypat söz, fiil

at sözi “parent”

sg. parent, pl. parents
  1. ene-ata
    Every morning, Sarah's parents take turns driving her to school.
  2. çeşme (kompýuter ulgamynda çagany ýa-da gelip çykan obýekti döreden başlangyç çeşme)
    In the website's structure, the homepage acts as a parent to all the subpages, linking them together in a hierarchical manner.
  3. çeşme madda (fizikada başga bir madda öwrülen ilkinji madda)
    In a radioactive decay process, uranium-238 serves as the parent nuclide, eventually transforming into lead-206.

sypat söz “parent”

parent, non-gradable
  1. baş kompaniýa (başga kompaniýalary eýeçilik ýa-da gözegçilik edýän esasy kompaniýa bilen baglanyşykly)
    The parent company owns several smaller businesses around the globe.

fiil “parent”

parent; he parents; past parented, part. parented; ger. parenting
  1. çaga terbiýelemek (çaga ideg etmek ýa-da ony ulaltmak işi)
    They took parenting classes to learn how to parent their new baby effectively.