
graphic (EN)
sypat söz, at sözi

sypat söz “graphic”

esas görnüşi graphic (more/most)
  1. açyk-aýdyň (zorluk ýa-da jynsy mazmuny beýan edýän)
    The documentary included several graphic reenactments that were difficult for some viewers to watch.
  2. grafiki (wizual sungat ýa-da çyzgy bilen baglanyşykly)
    She studied graphic arts at university to become a professional illustrator.
  3. (geologiýada) ýazuwy ýatladýan teksturasy bolan, käbir magmatik gaýalarda duş gelinýän
    Graphic granite displays intricate patterns that look like letters under magnification.

at sözi “graphic”

ýekelik graphic, köplük graphics
  1. şekil
    He placed a colorful graphic in the report to make the data more engaging.
  2. grafika (kompýuter arkaly döredilen)
    The new video game has cutting-edge graphics that create a strikingly realistic environment.