
graphic (EN)
прилагательное, существительное

прилагательное “graphic”

основа graphic (more/most)
  1. натуралистичный
    The documentary included several graphic reenactments that were difficult for some viewers to watch.
  2. графический
    She studied graphic arts at university to become a professional illustrator.
  3. (в геологии) имеющий текстуру, напоминающую письмо, часто встречающийся в некоторых магматических породах
    Graphic granite displays intricate patterns that look like letters under magnification.

существительное “graphic”

ед. graphic, мн. graphics
  1. иллюстрация
    He placed a colorful graphic in the report to make the data more engaging.
  2. графика (видеоигры или фильма)
    The new video game has cutting-edge graphics that create a strikingly realistic environment.