budget (EN)
at sözi, sypat söz, fiil

at sözi “budget”

sg. budget, pl. budgets
  1. býujet
    The school set a budget of $5,000 for the new library books this year.
  2. maliýe meýilnamasy
    The family created a budget to plan their spending and savings for the year.
  3. az maliýe serişdeleri (bar ýagdaý)
    Since we're on a budget, we decided to have a picnic instead of going to the amusement park.

sypat söz “budget”

budget, non-gradable
  1. arzan bahaly
    We stayed at a budget hotel to save money on our trip.

fiil “budget”

budget; he budgets; past budgeted, part. budgeted; ger. budgeting
  1. tygşytlamak
    She budgets her monthly salary to make sure she can pay all her bills.
  2. berilen pul mukdaryny paýlamak
    We need to budget $200 for the office party next month.
  3. maliýe meýilnamasyny düzmek
    Every month, the management is involved in budgeting.