V (EN)
harply, at sözi, san, nyşan

Bu söz hem şu görnüşleriň biri bolup biler:
v (harply, edat, san, nyşan)

harply “V”

  1. "v" harpiniň uly harp görnüşi
    Vanessa received a Valentine's card shaped like a big red "V".

at sözi “V”

sg. V, pl. Vs, V's or uncountable
  1. dilbilimde "çagyryş halynyň" gysgaltmasy
    In Czech, the name Peter is "Petr" (N) and "Petře" (V), used in direct address.
  2. dilçilikde "fiil" sözüniň gysgaltmasy
    Most languages have the S-V-O word order.
  3. Jyns agzanyň argo atlandyrylyşy
    She whispered to her friend that she was having issues with her V and needed to see a doctor.
  4. Viagra üçin argo sözler
    John discreetly asked his friend if he had any Vs for his date night.
  5. sesliň gysgaldylmasy
    The letter structure of the word "can" is CVC.

san “V”

  1. rim sanlarynda 5 sanы
    On the clock, V represents 5 o'clock.
  2. bäşinji
    King Henry V was the fifth monarch of that name to rule England.

nyşan “V”

  1. elektrik potensialynyň ölçeg birliği (volt)
    The battery in my flashlight is rated at 1.5 V.
  2. wanadiý elementiniň simwoly (atom belgisi 23)
    Vanadium pentoxide, with the formula V2O5, is used as a catalyst in certain chemical reactions.
  3. walin aminokislotasynyň 1 harply belgisi
    In the protein sequence, "V" stands for valine, an essential amino acid.
  4. geometriýada göwrümiň nyşany
    To find the volume of a cube with side s, use the formula V = s³.
  5. müzikde esasy hökmürowan üçlüginiň nyşany "V"dir
    In the key of C major, the V chord is G major.