ном маъноӣ “sector”
якш. sector, ҷам. sectors
- бахш
Ба қайд гиред, то тарҷумаҳои ҷумлаҳои намунавӣ ва таърифҳои якзабонаи ҳар як калимаро бинед.
The government plans to increase funding for the education sector.
- сектор
In math class, we learned how to calculate the area of a sector.
- минтақа (низомӣ)
The army was deployed to secure the northern sector of the city.
- сектор
The technician found that some sectors of the hard disk were corrupted.
- минтақа (фазо)
The explorers set a course for sector seven, a region known for its nebulae.
- қитъа
He was fastest in the second sector but lost time later in the lap.