
delay (EN)
ном маъноӣ، феъл

ном маъноӣ “delay”

якш. delay, ҷам. delays ё ношумор
  1. таъхир
    The flight was canceled due to a three-hour delay caused by bad weather.
  2. дермонӣ
    We cannot afford any delay during this project.
  3. эффекти аудиоӣ, ки садоҳоро пас аз танаффуси кӯтоҳ такрор мекунад
    The guitarist used a delay to make his notes echo, creating a richer sound.
  4. вақти иловагӣ, ки пеш аз сар шудани ҳисобкунии вақти бозӣ дар бозии шоҳмот мегиред
    In the chess tournament, each player had a 5-second delay before their clock began to count down.

феъл “delay”

инфинитив delay; ӯ delays; замони гузашта delayed; ҳиссаи гуз. delayed; гер. delaying
  1. боздоштан (муваққатан)
    The flight was delayed due to bad weather.
  2. дер кардан
    The traffic jam delayed her on her way to work.