Ин калима инчунин метавонад шакли зерин бошад:
ҳарф “J”
- шакли калони ҳарфи "j"
Ба қайд гиред, то тарҷумаҳои ҷумлаҳои намунавӣ ва таърифҳои якзабонаи ҳар як калимаро бинед.
The name of this language-learning app starts with the letter "J".
ном маъноӣ “J”
якш. J, ҷам. Js, J's ё ношумор
- сигарети марихуана
After the concert, they passed around a J in the parking lot.
- маҷалла
She found the latest research on climate change in the Science J.
- чорроҳа (дар Британия)
Traffic was heavy near J15, causing delays on the approach.
- валет (дар бозиҳои корт)
In our poker game, I won the hand with a pair of Js.
- партофти ҷаҳишӣ (дар баскетбол)
He perfected his Js over the summer, making him a key player on the court.
- кафшҳои Air Jordan
I saved up for months to buy these Js, and now they're finally mine!
- қозӣ (пас аз ном)
After serving for 20 years, Mr. Smith was honored with the title J.
рамз “J”
- рамзи ҷул, воҳиди энергия
The light bulb consumed 60 J of energy to brighten the room.
- андозаи лифчаи Ҷ
After losing weight, she had to shop for bras with a smaller band size but realized her cup size remained a J.