
z (EN)
barua, ishara

Neno hili pia linaweza kuwa aina ya:
Z (barua, ishara)

barua “z”

  1. umbo la herufi "Z" katika herufi ndogo
    The word "zip" starts with the letter "z".

ishara “z”

  1. kigezo halisi katika hisabati wakati x na y tayari zinatumika
    The the equation is x + 2y + 3z2 + u = 7.
  2. kigezo changamano katika hisabati
    Let z = x + yi, where x is the real part and y is the imaginary part of the complex number.
  3. kizio cha tatu katika mfumo wa Kikartesia wa 3D katika hisabati
    In the three-dimensional system, a point can be represented as (x, y, z).
  4. thamani ya kigezo cha kawaida cha kiholela katika takwimu
    In our study, z > 2 indicated that the test results were significantly above average.
  5. ishara ya nambari atomiki katika kemia
    In the periodic table, the element oxygen has a z = 8, indicating it has 8 protons in its nucleus.
  6. ishara ya mwekundu katika astronomia
    Astronomers measured z = 1.5 for the distant galaxy, indicating it is moving away from us at a significant speed.