
email (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “email”

singular email, e-mail, plural emails, e-mails eller oräknebar
  1. e-postmeddelande
    She sent me an email about the weekend trip.
  2. e-post (alla meddelanden)
    Going through my email takes an hour every day.
  3. e-post (ett system för att skicka meddelanden från en dator eller enhet till en annan)
    Can you send it via email, please?
  4. e-postadress
    I asked for his email so that I can forward the files.

verb “email”

infinitiv email, e-mail; han emails, e-mails; preteritum emailed, e-mailed; supinum emailed, e-mailed; gerundium emailing, e-mailing
  1. mejla
    He emailed me the final agenda last night.