ˈfjuːəl US UK

fuel (EN)
именица, глагол

именица “fuel”

јединствени fuel, множина fuels или небројив
  1. gorivo
    Gasoline is the fuel most cars use to run.
  2. hrana (u prenesenom značenju)
    For marathon runners, pasta serves as an excellent fuel the night before a race.
  3. podsticaj
    Her passionate speech served as fuel for the protest, igniting a fire in the hearts of all who listened.

глагол “fuel”

infinitiv fuel; on fuels; prošlo vreme fueled us, fuelled uk; prošli part. fueled us, fuelled uk; ger. fueling us, fuelling uk
  1. snabdeti gorivom
    Before the long journey, they fueled the car at the local gas station.
  2. rasplamsati
    His provocative comments fueled the debate even further.