edging (EN)

Ова реч може бити и облик:
edge (глагол)

именица “edging”

sg. edging, pl. edgings or uncountable
  1. ivica (ukrasna traka koja se postavlja na rubove predmeta)
    She added a lace edging to the hem of her skirt to give it a more finished look.
  2. ivičenje (tehnika penjanja korišćenjem bočnog dela obuće za hvatanje uskih ispupčenja)
    While scaling the vertical rock face, she perfected her edging by carefully positioning the sides of her shoes on the tiniest of ledges.
  3. ivičenje (tehnika seksualne stimulacije bez dostizanja vrhunca)
    During their intimate moments, they often practiced edging to build up a more intense climax.