
period (EN)
samostalnik, pridevnik, vzklik

samostalnik “period”

ednina period, množina periods
  1. obdobje
    He lived in Paris for a period of five years.
  2. obdobje (dolžina časa v zgodovini z določenimi značilnostmi)
    The Renaissance was a period of great artistic achievement.
  3. menstruacija
    She can't participate in the race because she's on her period.
  4. pika
    Don't forget to put a period at the end of your sentence.
  5. konec
    She decided to put a period to their argument by walking away.
  6. ura (eden od časovnih segmentov, na katere je razdeljen šolski dan)
    Our science class is during the third period.
  7. eden od delov, na katere je razdeljena športna tekma
    The team scored two goals in the final period.
  8. trajanje enega celotnega cikla ponavljajočega se pojava
    The period of the pendulum's swing is two seconds.
  9. (v geologiji) delitev geološkega časa, ki je daljša od epohe in krajša od ere
    Dinosaurs lived during the Jurassic period.
  10. (v kemiji) vrstica v periodnem sistemu elementov
    Elements in the same period have the same number of electron shells.

pridevnik “period”

osnovna oblika period, ne-stopnjevno
  1. iz obdobja (obstaja iz določenega časa v zgodovini)
    They restored the house with period furniture from the 1800s.
  2. Obdoben (posnemanje ali spominjanje določenega zgodovinskega obdobja)
    The actors wore period costumes in the historical movie.

vzklik “period”

  1. pika (brez nadaljnje razprave)
    You need to finish your homework, period!