swiːt US UK

suite (EN)

noun “suite”

එකවචන suite, බහුවචන suites
  1. කාමර කට්ටලය
    The hotel suite includes a bedroom, a living room, and a small kitchen.
  2. ගෘහ භාණ්ඩ කට්ටලය
    They bought a new living room suite that included a sofa, two chairs, and a coffee table.
  3. සංගීත කට්ටලය (සංගීත රචනා)
    The orchestra performed a beautiful suite that included a lively gavotte and a graceful minuet.
  4. මෘදුකාංග කට්ටලය
    The office suite includes a word processor, a spreadsheet program, and a presentation tool.