noun “organization”
එකවචන organization, organisation uk, බහුවචන organizations, organisations uk හෝ අසංඛ්යේය
- සංවිධානය
ලියාපදිංචි වන්න උදාහරණ වාක්යවල පරිවර්තන සහ එක් එක් වචනයේ එකම භාෂා අර්ථකථන දැකීමට.
She joined an environmental organization dedicated to protecting wildlife.
- සංවිධානය කිරීම
The organization of the annual festival takes months of planning.
- ව්යුහය
The organization of the warehouse makes it easy to find any item quickly.
- ක්රමවත්කම
His organization helps him balance work, studies, and hobbies effectively.
- සංවිධානය (බේස්බෝල් කණ්ඩායම්)
He was drafted by the Red Sox organization and hopes to play in the majors soon.