существительное “trade”
ед. trade, мн. trades или неисч.
- торговля
Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть переводы примеров предложений и толковые определения каждого слова.
International trade plays an important role in the global economy.
- сделка
The company completed a trade for new equipment yesterday.
- ремесло
Plumbing is a trade that requires years of training.
- отрасль
People in the construction trade are worried about the new regulations.
- бартер
I made a trade of my bike for his scooter.
глагол “trade”
инфинитив trade; он trades; пр. вр. traded; пр. прич. traded; гер. trading
- торговать
The company trades precious metals around the world.
- котироваться
The company's shares are trading at $50 today.
- обменять (на что-то)
She traded her sandwich for an apple.
- заниматься бизнесом
She has been trading in antiques for years.