Substantiv “trade”
Sg. trade, Pl. trades od. unz.
- Handel
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International trade plays an important role in the global economy.
- Geschäft
The company completed a trade for new equipment yesterday.
- Handwerk
Plumbing is a trade that requires years of training.
- Branche
People in the construction trade are worried about the new regulations.
- Tauschhandel
I made a trade of my bike for his scooter.
Verb “trade”
Infinitiv trade; er trades; Prät. traded; Part. traded; Ger. trading
- handeln
The company trades precious metals around the world.
- gehandelt werden
The company's shares are trading at $50 today.
- tauschen
She traded her sandwich for an apple.
- ein Gewerbe betreiben
She has been trading in antiques for years.