backing (EN)
substantiv, adjektiv

Dette ordet kan også være en form av:
back (verb)

substantiv “backing”

sg. backing, pl. backings or uncountable
  1. støtte
    The startup gained momentum after receiving substantial backing from a well-known venture capitalist.
  2. forsterkning (eller materiale som brukes til støtte)
    The rug was durable, thanks to its thick, hessian backing.
  3. bakgrunn (i visuelle medier)
    The actors performed in front of a beautiful forest backing that enhanced the fairy tale scene.
  4. oppstigning (på hest eller annet ridedyr)
    The rider's first backing of the young horse went smoothly, indicating good training.
  5. tilbakeføring
    After realizing she had missed her turn, she began the backing of her car in the middle of the street.

adjektiv “backing”

backing, non-gradable
  1. akkompagnerende (i en musikalsk sammenheng)
    The backing singers rehearsed their parts thoroughly before the big concert.