where (EN)
समुच्चय, क्रियाविशेषण

समुच्चय “where”

  1. जहाँ (कुनै कुरा घट्छ भन्ने सन्दर्भमा)
    She pointed to the spot where the treasure was buried.
  2. जहाँतिर (कुनै ठाउँ वा स्थितिमा प्रवेश गर्ने सन्दर्भमा)
    Point to the spot where they went.
  3. दुई अवस्थाबीचको तुलना वा विपरीतता देखाउँछ।
    Where Tom is meticulous and careful in his work, his brother Tim rushes through tasks, often making mistakes.

क्रियाविशेषण “where”

  1. कहाँ (कुनै वस्तु वा व्यक्तिको स्थान सोध्दा)
    Where is the library?
  2. कतातिर (कुनै दिशा वा स्थानतिर सोध्दा)
    Where are you going?