next (EN)
विशेषण, निर्धारक, क्रियाविशेषण

विशेषण “next”

next, non-gradable
  1. छेउमा
    She moved into the next room to get some quiet.
  2. अर्को
    After finishing this chapter, we'll start the next one.

निर्धारक “next”

  1. अबको (वर्तमान वा सबैभन्दा हालको पछि आउने कुरालाई संदर्भ गर्दा)
    I'll see you next Monday for lunch.

क्रियाविशेषण “next”

  1. दोस्रो (सर्वोत्कृष्टतालाई संशोधन गर्दा)
    She couldn't find her favorite ice cream flavor, so she settled for the next best option.
  2. पछि (समय वा क्रममा केहि उल्लेख गरिएको पछि)
    We washed the car; next, we waxed it to make it shine.
  3. त्यसपछि
    After finishing my homework and chores, I wondered, "What's next?"