drɔː US UK

draw (EN)
क्रिया, संज्ञा

क्रिया “draw”

अनन्त draw; ऊ draws; भूत काल drew; भूत कृदन्त drawn; कृदन्त drawing
  1. कोर्नु
    She loves to draw portraits of her friends.
  2. तान्नु
    The horses drew the carriage through the streets of the city.
  3. आकर्षित गर्नु
    The new museum exhibit is drawing many visitors.
  4. निकाल्नु (हतियार)
    The knight drew his sword to defend the castle.
  5. निकाल्नु (तरल पदार्थ)
    They drew water from the well to water the garden.
  6. प्राप्त गर्नु (प्रेरणा)
    She draws inspiration from her travels.
  7. तान्नु (हावा, धुवाँ)
    He drew a deep breath before diving into the pool.
  8. खोल्नु वा बन्द गर्नु (पर्दा)
    She drew the curtains to let the sunlight into the room.
  9. छान्नु (जथाभावी)
    They drew names from a hat to see who would go first.
  10. बराबरी गर्नु
    The football teams drew 2-2 in a thrilling match.
  11. तान्नु (धनुषको डोरी)
    The archer drew his bow and released the arrow.
  12. उत्प्रेरित गर्नु
    His joke drew laughter from the audience.

संज्ञा “draw”

एकवचन draw, बहुवचन draws
  1. बराबरी
    The match ended in a draw, so both teams shared the trophy.
  2. आकर्षण
    The famous band's performance was the main draw of the festival.
  3. चिठ्ठा
    The draw for the tournament brackets will be held tomorrow.
  4. तान्ने कार्य (धुवाँ वा हावा)
    He took a long draw from his cigarette.
  5. निकाल्ने कार्य (हतियार)
    His quick draw made him the fastest gun in the West.