
support (EN)
क्रियापद, नाम

क्रियापद “support”

support; he supports; past supported, part. supported; ger. supporting
  1. पाठिंबा
    She supports environmental causes.
  2. आर्थिक मदत
    He works two jobs to support his family.
  3. आधार
    The beam supports the roof of the house.
  4. पुष्टी
    The data supports our theory about climate change.
  5. ग्राहक सेवा
    The help desk supports users who have software issues.
  6. सहाय्य
    She supports the project team by handling administrative tasks.
  7. सहाय्यक भूमिका
    He supported the lead actor in the new film.
  8. समर्थन (संगणक प्रणालीसाठी)
    This program supports a wide range of file formats.

नाम “support”

sg. support, pl. supports or uncountable
  1. आधार
    She received a lot of support from her friends after the accident.
  2. आधार
    The table's legs act as supports for the surface.
  3. पुरावा
    The scientist's findings offer support for the new theory.
  4. तांत्रिक सहाय्य
    The company's support is available 24/7.
  5. सहाय्यक अभिनेता
    The lead actor was excellent, but the support was also strong.
  6. समर्थन (संगणक प्रणालीसाठी)
    The software has support for multiple languages.
  7. समर्थन (गणितीय संदर्भात)
    The function has support only on the interval [0,1].