
passing (EN)
именка, придавка

Овој збор може да биде и форма на:
pass (глагол)

именка “passing”

sg. passing, pl. passings or uncountable
  1. смрт
    The family gathered to mourn the passing of their grandfather.
  2. поминување
    The quiet passing of the train could be heard in the distance.
  3. додавање
    Good passing is essential in basketball to keep the opponents off balance.
  4. усвојување
    The passing of the legislation will bring significant changes to the education system.
  5. (жонглирање) изведба каде што предмети како топки или палки се фрлаат помеѓу жонглери
    The entertainers amazed the audience with their complex passing routines.

придавка “passing”

  1. минлив
    It was just a passing thought, and he soon forgot about it.
  2. површен
    She made a passing remark about the weather.
  3. минувачки
    The noise of passing traffic kept her awake.